effects Here
Flashing form element
Credits: Dynamic
Description: Use
this DHTML script to make certain form elements flash with glee. It's a
great way to draw attention to "important" fields, such as the submit
button, etc.
Simply insert the below code to
the END of your document, right above the </body>
Having done the above, you're now
ready to give any form element a flashing personality. Just
inside the element's tag you wish
to flash. Here's an example:
<form> <input type="submit"
value="Submit" id="flashit"> </form>
Follow the same procedure to apply
this flashing trait to multiple form elements, whether they're from the
same form or not. The script is robust enough to adopt, and browsers other
than IE 4+ will simply see nothing (the effect, that is!).
Recommend Us! -If
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Legend All- Script works with Netscape
4 AND Internet Explorer 4+ NS-
Indicates script works with Netscape 4 (NOT NS 6
yet) IE- Indicates script works with
Internet Explorer 4 and above IE5- Indicates
script works with Internet Explorer 5 and
above NS6!-
Temporary index set up on script
category pages to indicate script works in NS6
Copyright © 1998-2001
Dynamic Drive. Please read Terms Of Use here before
using any of the scripts.